Rain Gutters: What Exactly Do They DO?

We all know what gutters are - those little channels attached to the side of a home seem like they’re just good for catching leaves and requiring cleaning twice a year. But should you consider repairing or installing new gutters on your home? What’s the purpose behind a gutter, anyway? Why is it that they’re actually important? And how can you use gutters to save you money in the long run?

What does a gutter do for your home?

In order to start, we need an understanding of what a gutter is. Fundamentally, a gutter is defined as “a shallow trough fixed beneath the edge of a roof for carrying off rainwater.” Gutters are a part of the system that allows your roof to shrug off rainwater and make sure that you and your home stay nice and dry inside.

But are they really necessary? Most roofs, especially on residential buildings, are slanted anyway. That means that the water should run off the roof on its own, right? Well…not completely. While it’s true that quality roofing materials are integral in your home’s water management system, and it’s true that roofs tend to be designed at a slant for that reason, gutters make the roof’s job easier. Think of it like this: you could, if you really wanted to, drive to work without ever touching a freeway. However, the existence of freeways allows traffic to flow freely from where it is to where it needs to go. Gutters are the freeway system of your roof, allowing any rainfall to quickly make its way from where it falls, on your roof, to where it needs to go – away from your home.

Why are gutters important?

Gutters are recommended for all buildings to have because they are a low-cost solution to prevent a multitude of extremely expensive problems. Gutters are often overlooked because they’re not a fix for existing problems, but rather they stop problems from arising to begin with. Without gutters, water without an easy way to escape your roof can pool, eventually working its way under your tiles or shingles, which can cause damage that can easily result in thousand-dollar repairs. Additionally, a properly designed gutter system will direct water away from your home’s foundation. Without gutters, water tends to stagnate close to the home. Over time, water will work its way into your home’s foundation, causing cracks, and weaking your home’s structural integrity.

How can gutters save you money?

It’s easy for a homeowner to justify the decision not to get gutters. After all, they cost money, plus they’re a hassle to clean – which needs to be done at least twice a year. But in truth, gutters actually save money. Gutters reduce wear and tear, meaning that once you have gutters, you won’t have to shell out nearly as much on repairs – and you could even be able to squeeze a few extra years out of your roof before it needs to be replaced. Savings on roof repairs can easily add up to thousands of dollars – many times more than what it will cost to install a high-quality gutter system on your roof. Additionally, you can prevent needing repairs to the foundation of your home, which can average over $4,000 and cost as much as $10,000.

Even if you are looking at selling your home, new gutters can help assure any buyers that they will not have to deal with a variety of roofing problems and makes sure that they know that the house was taken care of before they buy it. This can result in faster sales. Additionally, if you want to rent your home, gutters are something that tenants might want to look for.

So, do I need to buy gutters?

If you’re looking for a definitive yes or no answer, it’s a bit more difficult for that. Is your home going to collapse if you don’t install gutters tomorrow? No. Is your roof going to collapse on you the next time it rains? As long as you’ve taken care of your roof, then probably not. But in ten years? Twenty or more? That’s when it becomes a possibility. Gutters are an investment in the future of your home, and they’re highly recommended for all homes to have.

If you’re in the San Diego region and you’re considering gutter repair or replacement, feel free to get in contact with us at Resilient Roofing! Our team of experts would be happy to help talk you through your individual needs and determine the best thing for your home.


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