Historic San Diego Rainstorms: What Homeowners Need To Know To Protect Their Roof

San Diego is a city known for its mild weather, comfortable climate, and year-round sunny weather. However, over the past four weeks, the city has experienced record-breaking rainfall, consistently drenching the city at least once a week. While San Diego has not had the devastating flooding and icy temperatures that have gripped other parts of the nation, the inches of rainfall that have been received are much more than many of us are prepared for.

Considering San Diego's dry climate, where months can go by without a drop of rain, it is often the case that roofing damage goes unnoticed. Roofs only become a problem when they begin to leak, and when there is no rain to come through a roof, damage can go unnoticed for a long period of time. Often, leaks occur into attic spaces and walls, where even if a bit of water comes through there is no guarantee that it will be enough for the average homeowner to notice. However, when there is enough rain to completely saturate roofing materials, the risk for a severe leak becomes much higher.

It is important for homeowners in San Diego to be aware of the potential for roofing damage during these heavy rainfall events. One of the biggest issues that heavy rain can cause for roofs is leaks. If a roof is not properly maintained or is in poor condition, rainwater can seep through cracks or holes, causing water damage inside the home. To prevent leaks, homeowners should have their roofs inspected by a professional at least once a year, and any necessary repairs should be made before the rainy season begins.

Resilient Roofing roofer working on installing Owens Corning shingles on a pitched roof.

Another issue that heavy rain can cause for roofs is pooling water. If a roof is not properly sloped or does not have enough drainage, water can accumulate and cause damage to the roofing materials. To prevent this, homeowners should ensure that their gutters and downspouts are clear of debris and that they are properly directing water away from the home. This needs to be done before the rain hits us, as it can be dangerous Additionally, if a roof is not properly sloped, or if it does not have enough drainage, water can accumulate on the roof, saturating the roofing materials and causing a leak. This is why it is important to maintain and repair gutters, downspouts and proper drainage.

It is also important to note that taking precautions to protect your roof should be done before the rain. With the potential for dangerous slips and falls, it is not recommended to be climbing on your roof during heavy rain or storms. The best time to inspect and repair your roof is during dry weather. Not only will it be safer, but it will also be easier to spot potential issues and make the necessary repairs. If you suspect that your roof is in need of repairs or maintenance, it's best to call a professional roofing company to assess the situation. They can make the necessary repairs and ensure the safety of your roof and your family.

If you suspect that your roof is in need of repairs or maintenance but there isn't enough time to properly repair it before the next rain, installing a roof tarp can be a quick and effective solution to prevent water from leaking into your home. A roof tarp is a temporary covering that is placed over a damaged or leaking area of the roof to prevent water from entering the home. It is a temporary measure that can be put in place while more permanent repairs are being made. It is important to note that installing a roof tarp should be done by a professional to ensure that it is done correctly and securely. Contacting a professional roofing company can help ensure that your roof is properly protected until more permanent repairs can be made.

An emergency roofing tarp over a tile roof, installed by Resilient Roofing.

It is important for homeowners to be proactive in maintaining and protecting their roofs in order to prevent leaks and water damage. If you are a homeowner in San Diego and are concerned about the condition of your roof, it is important to take action now to ensure that your home is protected from damage caused by heavy rainstorms. One way to do this is to contact a professional roofing company like us at Resilient Roofing. Our experienced technicians can provide a thorough inspection of your roof, identify any potential issues, and provide the necessary repairs and maintenance to keep your roof in top condition. Don’t wait for the next storms to roll in, take preventative action now and call your local roofer today.


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