3 Ways To Know You Need A New Roof

Replacing a roof is a fairly hefty expenditure. For that reason, people often put it off for as long as possible. Unfortunately, there are some circumstances in which you should replace your roof right away, whether you are ready to or not. If you are unsure if you need a roof replacement then here are three ways to identify the severity of your situation.


It is easy to spot dips in the roof if you back far enough away from your house and look carefully. Dips in the roof are exactly what they sound like: areas in the roof that are dipping below other areas. They are often indicative of either rot or water swell in the foundation of the roof – both signs that it is time to replace your home’s topper. Also, remember that your entire roof should be one flat surface. Otherwise, your roofing material will have a hard time holding and it will be easy for puddles of moisture to build up. So if your roof is dipping, we strongly suggest you look into getting it replaced as soon as possible, preferably before the next time it rains.


Shingles that are curling or bending up generally indicate that a roof has reached the end of its life. This is because it is easiest (and most likely) for shingles to curl when they have lost the entirety of their UV coating. You also need to pay attention to the amount of granules your shingles are losing. You can even see evidence of granule build up in your gutters! If it is an excessive amount, then that is a tell-tale sign that your old shingles need to be replaced for new ones.


You may be able to stretch the life of a leaky roof with repairs, but if you notice that the leaks seem to be larger, or multiplying, it is likely that you will need to replace your roof altogether. Keep in mind that some leaks are easier to spot than others. While a puddle on the floor is obvious, you also need to be on the lookout for discolorations on your ceiling. Any brown spots are indicative of moisture, which could be coming from a leaky roof. There is a lot to think about when it comes to getting your roof repaired or replaced. An experienced professionals can help you make those important decisions.

To put your roofing project into the hands of a contractor you can trust, contact Resilient Roofing. We can be reached via phone: 619-501-2138 or email: Info@ResilientRoofing.com


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